Monday, October 29, 2012

My Mami's Weekly Deep Cleaning

Why am I bring this up? Simple, I was cleaning the downstairs bathroom. While I was doing it I started to noticed something funny about the way I was cleaning it. That's when it hit me. I'm doing what my sisters and I call the "Mami's Everyday Deep Cleaning". Laughing and shaking my head at myself. I started to remember helping her clean the apartment we grew up in and those weekly deep cleaning she had us all do. No one was speared from this. Mami had everyone cleaning something including walls and the molding on them. She would even move the stove, refrigerator and washer to clean behind and under them. How we hated Saturday mornings growing up. There was no such thing as getting up and watching morning cartoons. She would put on some music loud enough for our neighbors to hear. And that was our sign to get up and start cleaning.

Now that I have my own home and family, I'm grateful to her for insisting that we clean the way she did. I'm actually grateful for many things that she insisted that we do. Over the years I've taken that "Mami's Weekly Deep Cleaning" and changed to suit my life. I do a once a month deep cleaning and threw the week light cleaning here and there. Which is still funny to me because my weekly light cleanings may seem like heavy cleaning to many people. Light cleaning for me includes dusting, cleaning the bathrooms, wiping down the kitchen counters, followed by sweeping and mopping floors.

Well I better get back to my light cleaning because at the end of this month is the Monthly Deep Cleaning.

P,L & B

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


As I was walking my middle child to school I saw the most funny and perplexing thing. A mother pushing her 4 or 5 year old in a baby stroller. Now this isn't the first time that I've witness such a thing. Many parents tend to do this with their youngsters. But why on earth would anyone want to that?  It's funny as hell, seeing a big kid sitting in a stroller. Long legs either hanging off or knees up to their chins. Mami's just as happy as can be pushing them around as if they're still 1 or 2 years old.  Had me SMDH at them. My middle child had even asked me why didn't the little girl just walk to school instead of being pushed around? That had me ROTFL. Told him that I didn't know why. This little girl in question isn't disable in any way or form, doesn't suffer from any type illness. I've seen her running around, skipping, playing and so on just like every other child in that school.

As for my 3 kids, as soon as they were able to walk on their own that stroller went away. Sorry if they can walk why would I encourage them to be lazy?

Pop Up Ads!

So after many months of not signing on and writing a post, I log on and what the hell do I see on my blogger home page? Freaking pop up ads! I can't see past them and they're very distracting. Unable to work around them. Couldn't remove them myself. So I sent a message to google, asking for them to either remove them for me or to assist me to remove them.

I'm sorry but I'm not looking for love, since I've married my soul mate. I can find a school that will suit my needs on my own. Not looking for a nanny, maid, to buy anything that is not needed in my life. So I don't need the damn pop up ads on my blog page!

Okay so that was today's rant. Thank you and feel free to leave a rant of your own as a comment. Yes I read each and everyone of them and reply to them. Currently thinking of writing a book. On what, who knows. One to many ideas running around my head.

Well that's all for now. Back to being a mother and a home maker (aka house wife)

Peace, Love & Blessings to all.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Sorry that I've been M.I.A since January. So much has been going on in my life that I just had to take a break from it all. Everyone's well, Thank God/Goddess for that.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


While at a resent concert my poor Hubby was getting hit on by a Cougar.  Now old girl had a few years on her, which weren't very kind to her at all.  I'm sorry I may not have the "perfect body".  But at that age no one would ever catch me wearing a cropped top with my muffin top showing off, or should I say hanging out.  Jeans that make sure that the muffin top is over lapping and the camel toe showing off so well.  Even after he had told her that he was married and there with his wife, yours truly.  Now I was having a good laugh at watching her try to get his attention.  Funny as hell watching him just ignore her advances.  At one point she had even told her friend that she was going for it.  Meaning that she was going to continue to hitting on my Hubby.  As soon as the main band had started to play, I had noticed that old girl was getting a little too touchy feely for my taste.  When I saw her start rubbing his shoulder.  I grabbed her hand while making sure that my thumb nail was digging into the soft part of her wrist.  Making it known that it was fun while it lasted but I had had enough of her.  She kept to herself after that. 

But my dear Older Cougars please when a man tells you that he's married and he's out with her, stay the hell away.  I just might be his wife and I don't take kindly to having anyone touch my husband. 

P,L & B to all

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Date Night

     This past Friday hubby and I had gone out to dinner as a date night.  We ended up going to a Chilies that's just down the road from where we live.  As normal we waited until almost 9pm to leave the house figuring that the place won't be as crowded as a regular dinner time would be.  Boy were we ever wrong on that one.  Upon entering the establishment we noticed how packed the place was.  Not even room at the small bar to have a drink while we wait for a table.  The hostess informed us that there will be about a 30 minute wait for a table for 2.  Which really has never happened to us before.  But we waited any way with a pager to let us know that a table had opened up.  Once our little pager went off we were shown our table which wasn't cleaned before we got there.  Now we had a prime table located near the kitchen.  What made this table even more special was the fact that both hubby and I were able to look right into the kitchen and the staff as well.  The kitchen floor was littered with food which didn't surprised either of us.  But what was shocking to us was the fact that the staff was unconcerned by it.
     We also had a front row seat for some of the waiting staffs' spats.  I was able to hear clear as a bell one waitress tell other and I quote "I wasn't talking about you so you can cut the diva act out now."  Now most places as such that we have visited this is the first that I've ever witness the staff being so rude to each other.  I also had the pleasure of seeing a young and I do mean young father being right out mean to his son.  I'm not claiming to be a perfect parent but I will never sit there and eat a dessert in front of any of my children and say no you can't have any; it's for me and only me.  Our server was in the kitchen waiting on a few orders that she had placed along with our's.  I had witnessed her pick her teeth with her finger.  Really really?  When she saw me looking at her with a look of horror in my eyes.  She quickly went to wash her hands.  Thank you very much because I wasn't going to eat anything if she didn't.  And yes that little act did affect her tip.
     After we had eaten our dinner, we had asked for the check.  We just couldn't wait to get the hell out of that place.  Our waitress had said okay and that she'll be back soon with our check.  Soon was about 10 to 15 minutes later.  Luckily another server was able to bring our check in less time then what our waitress was able to.  Another $1 gone from her tip.  Needless to say we will never be visiting that place again.  The food wasn't all that great and the service was even less.  On a 1 to 10 that place gets a -5 from me.
     We'll be sticking to our usual date night places.  Friday's and Ale House.  The food and the service is always great at these 2 places.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Why is that kids will go to bed late and then turn around and be up at the crack of dawn?  Then turn around and insist that you wake up as well.  You crack one eye open and glare at them from that eye.  A silent plead that they go back to bed and leave you the hell.  But oh no they must have you up as well.  Dragging yourself our of bed straight  into the bathroom they must follow.  Not giving a moment of peace until they are fed and even then they want your undivided attention.  Thank God for that wonderful morning drink we call coffee.  That frist cup will wake you and allow you to function in some from or another.  The second cup gives you that get up and go. 

But kids really need to learn that a well rested Mami is a happy Mami.  But until then keep that coffee coming because that's how I will function until they leave me in bed.

P, L, & B to all.